revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 25 ianuarie 2020

Two women who survived attempts on their lives as unborn babies testified at the March for Life to the dignity of their lives and the love they have experienced since they were aborted.   LifeSiteNews, 24 ianuarie

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have many reservations about President Donald J. Trump, and that I have had them since he arrived on the national scene. LifeSiteNews, 24 ianuarie

Tens of thousands (one estimate says over 225,000) of pro-lifers from across the country marched on Washington, D.C., on Friday to stand up for the right to life for preborn human beings.  LiveAction, 24 ianuarie

Just like every other election cycle, candidates from both parties in 2020 are trying to rally their base on the issue of abortionFoxNews, 25 ianuarie

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The thousands of people who gathered in Washington Friday for the 46th March for Life proved that enthusiasm for the pro-life cause is as strong as it’s ever been. FoxNews, 24 ianuarie

Speaking Friday at the March for Life in Washington on the National Mall, President Trump criticized Democrats for embracing “radical and extreme positions” on abortion and accused them of attempting to silence Americans who believe in the sanctity of life. FoxNews, 24 ianuarie

 Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School teen thrust into the center of an international incident at last year’s March for Life that catapulted him to fame, has returned to the scene. LifeSiteNews, 24 ianuarie

At the 47th annual March for Life, marchers carried signs thanking President Trump, incorporating popular culture, sharing the pro-life message in general, and representing schools and pro-life clubs. LifeSiteNews

Secular Pro-Life shared a post on Facebook today, featuring screenshots of responses to a tweet by The Federalist’s Ben Domenech (husband of Meghan McCain), asking what moment made strongly pro-life people become that way. LiveAction, 24 ianuarie

I’m only 19 years old so I’m sometimes still a bit naïve; for example, since I am a woman, I thought I would be welcome at the Women’s March in D.C. this past Saturday. I was wrong. I am also now less naïve. LiveAction, 23 ianuarie

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