Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie din 28 septembrie 2020

de Redacția
Peste 1000 de elevi au fost, în aceste zile, beneficiarii ediției a III-a a programului „Un ghiozdan pentru noul an şcolar”, a anunţat eparhia pe site-ul oficial. „În prima săptămână a noului an școlar, elevii proveniți din familii nevoiașe au primit câte un ghiozdan nou, complet echipat cu rechizite. Au fost vizați copii din peste 30 de localităţi, din toate cele trei protopopiate ale Eparhiei: Vaslui, Bârlad şi Huşi. Basilica, 27 septembrie
Asociația „Sf. Voievod Ștefan cel Mare – Hârja” a devenit partener al Ministerului Muncii și Protecției Sociale în implementarea proiectului „Sprijin pentru persoanele vulnerabile în contextul epidemiei de COVID-19”. Asociația va răspunde de Unităţile Administrativ Teritoriale Dofteana și Bîrsănești. Basilica, 27 septembrie
Am văzut mai multe critici care circulă pe internet în legătură cu noul film Netflix „Cuties”, dar abia ieri am apucat să văd câte secvențe. Pe trendul Twitter #CancelNetflix apăreau și clipuri din film. Ceea ce am văzut înainte de opri filmulețele era, ca să nu spun mai multe, șocant. Contramundum, 28 septembrie
Federal appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett, 48, gave an acceptance speech on Saturday afternoon after President Donald Trump nominated her to the Supreme Court. “I love the United States, and I love the United States’ Constitution,” Barrett said. “I am truly humbled by the prospect of serving on the Supreme Court. Should I be confirmed, I will be mindful of who came before me.” Daily Wire, 27 septembrie
When it comes to the proper way to read, analyze and apply the Constitution to modern law, few Supreme Court justices have mastered the skill like Justice Antonin Scalia, which is why the legal mastermind remains an institution in conservative circles years after his passing. Scalia was one of the minority of judges on the nation’s highest court who was pro-life and supported overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions. Life News, 26 septembrie
Abortion was sold to the American public as a final step in achieving equality for women. But nearly five decades later, legalized abortion hasn’t liberated women. Ruth Bader Ginsburg believed abortion to be about equality for women. There is no doubt that Ginsburg worked hard for women during her lifetime. Even before taking her seat on the Supreme Court, Ginsburg was fighting for gender equality. Live Action, 26 septembrie
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he will sign an executive order to ensure that babies who are born alive receive proper medical care. Although the president didn’t go into detail about what the order would do, proposals earlier this year in the House and Senate would require health care professionals to treat a baby born alive after an attempted abortion the same as medical professionals would treat any other newborn. Daily Signal, 23 septembrie
A North Carolina pregnancy hep center got a surprise visit from Lara Trump Tuesday, giving the ministry a refreshing boost in its life-affirming work. Trump visited the HELP Pregnancy Center in Monroe, NC, toured the center, visiting with a client and her baby, learning more about the work performed by pregnancy help centers, and praying with the center’s staff and volunteers. Pregnancy Help News, 23 septembrie
Want to make abortion seem normal? Make a fun, road trip comedy about it. This is the premise of one of HBO Max’s first films, Unpregnant. The film dropped Sept. 10 and features two Missouri high schoolers on a road trip to Albuquerque, N.M., for an abortion. Save the Storks, 23 septembrie
In the last couple of months, Cana Vox has produced some great videos on helping our kids to navigate gender ideology. Some weeks ago, I posted an article about speaking to kids aged 5 to 10 on these topics, and now have gone on to watch the video for 11 to 13-year olds. Mercatornet, 15 septembrie
Fifteen and pregnant, Marlys Monet kept the news to herself for seven months until she came home to find her parents waiting with a pregnancy test. The positive test confirmed what she had been denying, but as she sobbed, her mother and father, though disappointed, vowed to care for her and the baby during the pregnancy. Together, they decided open adoption was best for everyone, and today, Monet has no regrets. Live Action, 27 septembrie