revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 30 septembrie

An August 2019 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) states that more than one in every five undergraduate students (22 percent) are also parents. LiveAction, 30 septembrie

“We trust in God and we cherish the dignity of every human life.” LifeNews, 30 septembrie

The young college woman walked into the pregnancy center near the Ohio State University campus. Her plan was to abort her baby. PregnancyHelpNews, 30 septembrie

A disability advocate is speaking out about how differently people have treated her during pregnancy, depending on whether she planned to keep the baby or have an abortion. LiveAction, 30 septembrie

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Little Girl Abandons Her Birthday Party So She Can Help Rescue a Stranded Motorcyclist 3 Hours Away

Rather than spend her sixth birthday at an amusement park, this little girl abandoned her pre-planned birthday party so her and her father could assist a motorcyclist in need. GoodNews, 28 septembrie

Robert Knight, 52, was just cleared of the crime of murder for throwing his mother, 79-year-old June Knight, off a balcony. Instead, he was convicted of manslaughter and will not serve time in prison, even though he admitted to killing her. The judge, rather than being horrified at Knight’s actions, described the murder as an act of love and mercy. LiveAction, 29 septembrie

For a snapshot of just how the liberal media works, look no further than their treatment of Greta Thunberg and Nicholas Sandmann. LifeNews, 30 septembrie

A biology journal has retracted a paper that erroneously claimed that religious upbringing makes children less generous, four years after its original release. LifeSiteNews, 30 septembrie

The entire American left — the mainstream media, the environmentalist movement and Democratic politicians in particular — are celebrating the involvement of teenagers and even younger children in protesting the world’s “inaction” with regard to global warming. DailyWire, 28 septembrie

It’s not often lately that fans of common sense have much to celebrate. But a trans man in the United Kingdom has lost his bid to be deemed the father on his child’s birth certificate – even though he conceived it, gestated it, and gave birth to it. MercatorNet, 30 septembrie

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