Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 5 septembrie
A new book by Ryan Lovelace reveals something that everyone in the pro-life movement sort of suspected–the accusations against then-Judge Kavanaugh were motivated by the belief that he might one day vote to reverse Roe v. Wade. Students for Life, 4 septembrie
For Whitley Coxey and her husband Jarod, the path to parenthood was long and heartbreaking. Years of fertility and a miscarriage had led them to consider adoption, but once they let go of the idea of becoming pregnant, that’s when life took an exciting turn. LiveAction, 4 septembrie
Vanessa McLeod felt devastated when she learned that her unborn baby had no hands or forearms. LifeNews, 4 septembrie
A Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher and his wife found out she was pregnant 24 hours after agreeing on Divine Mercy Sunday to adopt a newborn baby. LifeSiteNews, 4 august
Reading Jen Taggart’s article about Karen Ellison and Deeper Still, it struck me for the millionth time: The Pregnancy Help community is always about solutions and victories. PregnancyHelpNews, 5 septembrie
Pro-life group Choice42 (“Choice for Two”) is known for creating satire videos that expose the truth about abortion. Featured in those videos is Laura Klassen, Director of the organization and dedicated pro-life activist. LiveAction, 4 septembrie
The “biggest problem” facing the world is not population explosion, but “population collapse,” said Tesla CEO and billionaire Elon Musk. LiveAction, 5 septembrie
In the current war on biological reality as it pertains to gender, the first intended casualty is language itself. LifeSiteNews, 5 septembrie
Trying desperately to take the mantle of Most Insufferable Corporate Panderer from Gillette, Calvin Klein recently unveiled a new ad campaign featuring obese people in their underpants. DailyWire, 4 septembrie