revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 27 septembrie

Many of you will have seen the phenomenal news that the abortion rate in the United States continues to drop, plunging to the lowest rate since it was first legalized in 1973. Not only that, but the abortion rate is declining in all areas of the country, and this drop appears to be the continuation of a years-long trend. LifeSiteNews, 27 septembrie

A micro-preemie baby dubbed “Fighting Finn” finally went home after more than three months in a Florida neonatal intensive care unit. LifeSiteNews, 24 septembrie

Keia Jones-Baldwin and her husband, Richardo, are sending a message to the world that love doesn’t see color. The couple have been foster parents for years, and adopted several of their foster children. LiveAction, 27 septembrie

Finn James Hill — or “Fighting Finn,” as his family and fans call him — is home from the hospital after spending 113 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). LiveAction, 26 septembrie

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The Trump administration has been taking strong steps to protect religious liberty for pro-lifers and others with deeply-held religious convictions. LifeNews, 26 septembrie

In the October edition of The Atlantic, there is a fascinating and revealing long-form essay by George Packer titled “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids.” LifeSiteNews, 27 septembrie

Tony and Grammy Award-winning actress and singer Cynthia Erivo said her role portraying Harriet Tubman in the biographical film „Harriet” has strengthened her faith. FoxNews, 27 septembrie

I’ve spent a lot of time on the floor with my kids playing with all kinds of toys, including blocks, baby dolls and board games. The kids love being there with me and I love being with them too. One person they can thank for that is my mom. FoxNews, 21 septembrie

More than 6,300 adults have died from reactions to a drug that is used as a puberty blocker in gender-confused children, Food & Drug Administration data reportedly shows.  DailyWire, 26 septembrie

Marriages may suffer as caring for aging parents demands their ongoing attention. However, good communication and planning can help ease the transition. Focus on the family, 25 septembrie

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