revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 28 septembrie

The families of firefighters in Rancho Cucamonga, California, have grown significantly this past year, with nine babies being born between March and July. LiveAction, 27 septembrie

These are the words that President Donald Trump used to introduce a pro-life champion at a Hispanic Heritage Month Reception held Friday evening at the White House. PregnancyHelpNews, 26 septembrie

A British man believed to be one of the oldest people in the world with Down syndrome has just turned 77, defying all the odds set before him. LiveAction, 28 septembrie

Last Thursday, when a Georgia college student couldn’t find a babysitter, her professor volunteered to hold the student’s baby while teaching a three-hour anatomy class. CNN, 27 septembrie

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Actress, singer, songwriter, writer, and now Emmy award-winner Rachel Bloom announced as she accepted her award that she is pregnant. LiveAction, 27 septembrie

I came to my personal convictions — my deepest beliefs about life, people, myself and God — the same way a lot of people do. FoxNews, 28 septembrie

More than 600,000 Mexicans hit the streets on Saturday to show support for families and human life, which pro-life organizations say are imperiled by their government’s abortion and gender ideology. LifeSiteNews, 23 septembrie

In October, the father of a seven-year-old boy whose mother is trying to “transition” him into a girl has a final chance in court to save his son. LifeSiteNews, 27 septembrie

On Sunday, October 6, 2019, Canada will partake in its 30th Life Chain since this pro-life witness was first brought north of the border in 1990. LifeSiteNews, 26 septembrie

Here’s an upbeat message for all of us in the pregnancy help community: If you don’t have faith, find another line of work. PregnancyHelpNews, 26 septembrie

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DISCLAIMER: condamnă instigarea la ură şi violenţă. Dar, după cum confirmă şi CEDO în cazul Handyside vs. UK (para 49), consideră că dezbaterea onestă şi libertatea de exprimare pe subiecte de interes public – printre care se numără şi avortul sau atracţia pentru persoane de acelaşi sex – trebuie să aibă loc în mod democratic, fără a fi cenzurate de ameninţarea că vor fi interpretate ca „discurs al urii”.

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