revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 3 februarie

This week was a lesson in priorities. When a prominent Democrat governor went on radio and appeared to support killing newly born babies, it made hardly a blip in the press. Then the media mob formed when news surfaced that the same governor had a racist photo on his college yearbook page. FoxNews, 3 februarie

Despite freezing weather and short notice, a large group of pro-life activists turned up in Lorton, Virginia, to express outrage and opposition to Delegate Kathy Tran’s (D-Fairfax) proposed bill in the state’s General Assembly to allow abortion up to the moment of birth. Breibart, 2 februarie

President Donald Trump expressed shock after Governor Ralph Northam’s attempt to walk back an admission of guilt on Saturday for a racist photo in his military school yearbook. Breibart, 2 februarie

Imagine you go in for what you think is a routine ultrasound exam. With a grim face, the doctor says, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this about the pregnancy. MercatorNet, 1 februarie

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March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. With less than two months to go until this day of awareness, it’s important to share the myriad stories of individuals living with Down syndrome (DS), and the powerful impact they have. DailyWare, 2 februarie

NFL star Benjamin Watson is calling out Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on his pro-abortion stance after Northam set off a firestorm when he voiced his support for the controversial Virginia Repeal Act. LiveActionNews, 2 februarie

Last fall, Leonardo Avila had a surprise waiting for him on home plate when he pulled into Veteran’s Park one night. His stepdaughter, Alessandra, held up a sign that read, “Papi, you are my forever home.
LiveActionNews, 2 februarie

Being cast in an upcoming film about pro-life leader Abby Johnson’s conversion story led to Ashley Bratcher learning of her own brush with abortion and deepened her appreciation of God’s plans, the actress told LifeSiteNews in a new interview. LifeSiteNews, 1 februarie

Actor Ashton Kutcher shared a video last week on Facebook of Special Olympian, actor, and Down syndrome self advocate Frank Stephens addressing Congress. LiveActionNews, 3 februarie

Live Action News has previously detailed how the National Organization for Women’s (NOW) move toward abortion was actually influenced by pro-abortion men, and how, instead of advocating for all women born and unborn, NOW used its power to crush the opposing views of pro-life feminists. LiveActionNews, 3 februarie

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