revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 7 iunie

A recent analysis revealed that UC Berkeley has not hosted a conservative commencement speaker in ten years. Breibart, 7 iunie

On Tuesday, June 4th at 10 a.m., I spoke before a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee for the “Threats to Reproductive Rights in America” hearing, which was called to address the pro-life legislative victories across the nation. LiveAction, 7 iunie

Jennifer Christie, a rape survivor who, with her husband, chose life for her son, has spoken out multiple times about her story and about the value of each human being, no matter the circumstances of his or her conception — something none of us can control. LiveAction, 6 iunie

Baby Mirabelle has spina bifida and a mother willing to fight doctors for her life. LifeSiteNews, 6 iunie

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As the state legislative season winds down, many Southeastern states have passed strong pro-life legislation. FoxNews, 7 iunie

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s decision to change his position on the Hyde Amendmentduring the 2020 election cycle raised questions about the frontrunner’s „steadiness” and „performance.” FoxNews, 7 iunie

In a recent report on how pornography is turning high schools into a “battlefield,” I noticed one particularly disturbing testimonial from a male student named William, aged 17. LifeSiteNews, 7 iunie

Medication abortion (the abortion pill) is often more painful than women are led to believe — and when left alone to deal with the remains of their aborted children, some claim they were traumatized by what they saw.  LiveAction, 7 iunie

Big families are increasingly hard to come by these days.  MercatorNet, 5 iulie

As Live Action News reported just last month, a growing number of city councils across the country are considering proposals to become “sanctuary cities” for preborn children. LiveAction, 7 iunie

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DISCLAIMER: condamnă instigarea la ură şi violenţă. Dar, după cum confirmă şi CEDO în cazul Handyside vs. UK (para 49), consideră că dezbaterea onestă şi libertatea de exprimare pe subiecte de interes public – printre care se numără şi avortul sau atracţia pentru persoane de acelaşi sex – trebuie să aibă loc în mod democratic, fără a fi cenzurate de ameninţarea că vor fi interpretate ca „discurs al urii”.

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