Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie din 26 septembrie 2020
de Redacția
În China, inteligența artificială folosește recunoașterea facială ca să monitorizeze cetățenii pentru sistemul de credit social. Ne mai desparte o săptămână de lansarea cărții Live Not By Lies, iar eu îmi adun forțele ca să pot demonta acuzațiile de tip „Dreher e doar un alarmist”. Din fericire – de fapt, ca să fiu sincer, din nefericire pentru noi toți –, anul 2020 îmi face sarcina mult mai ușoară. Reacționarii, 26 septembrie
Andrzej Duda, 48, was one of the marchers on Sunday’s Fifteenth March for Life and Family, which took place despite the Covid-19 panic that has inspired lockdowns throughout Europe. The President, recently re-elected after a campaign in which he stressed his commitment to the traditional Polish family, had been invited by the event’s organizers. Life Site News, 23 septembrie
By keeping healthy children under quarantine, we are cruelly depriving them of the in-person free play and social interaction that are critical to their development and emotional well-being. Mercator Net, 23 septembrie
Fox News reported Friday night that multiple sources say President Trump plans to announce that he will nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Fox News, 25 septembrie
Professor Carter Snead is one of the world’s leading experts on public bioethics at the University of Notre Dame. He is also a colleague of Judge Amy Coney Barrett [foto – n.ed.], one of President Donald Trump’s finalists to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Snead joins The Daily Signal Podcast to talk about Barrett, her legal career, media attacks, and more. Life News, 25 septembrie
Earlier this year, 7th Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett spoke to The Heritage Foundation’s “SCOTUS 101” podcast about what it was like clerking for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, teaching at Notre Dame Law School, and balancing her career with raising seven kids. Barrett, whose Catholic faith came under attack during her Senate confirmation hearing in 2017, also shares her views on religion and the law. Daily Signal, 25 septembrie
The mainstream media and many commentators on the left have embraced attacks on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s religious convictions. But Judge Barrett’s faith is something to applaud, not attack. As a young Catholic woman, I am motivated by, not fearful of, how faith can animate my commitment to God and Country alike. Judge Barrett is an inspiration to me and undoubtedly to many others like me. Fox News, 25 septembrie
Focus on the Family is set to hold a digital event called See Life 2020 on September 26 with the goal of giving preborn children a voice. See Life 2020 will offer a look at not what is in the womb, but who. The event will feature a 4D ultrasound and will include a variety of speakers who all actively work to end abortion in the United States and around the world. Live Action, 25 septembrie
Americans overwhelmingly agree that the lives of black people have as much value as the lives of white people and people of every skin color. Black lives don’t just “matter” (that’s such a utilitarian word); they are precious in God’s sight because they reflect his image. But the organization calling itself “Black Lives Matter” stands for something quite different. Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, discussed his research into the organization. Daily Signal, 25 septembrie
Anita Devi, 35, was seven months pregnant with her sixth child, according to UK Right to Life. She and her husband, Pannalal, were parents to five girls when she became pregnant again. Devi’s family alleges that her husband attacked her because he wanted to find out if the baby she was carrying was a boy. Live Action, 25 septembrie
If anyone were unsure of where the Catholic Church stood on assisted suicide and euthanasia, they can have no doubts now. In a lengthy document titled Samaritanus Bonus (“the good Samaritan”), the Vatican has released a lengthy response to the spread of “assisted dying”. The document is clear and emphatic: euthanasia is “an intrinsically evil act, in every situation or circumstance”. As well, anyone who cooperates is guilty as well, even those who defend legalisation. Mercator Net, 24 septembrie