viaţa de familie

International Conference on Family Values: 2nd April 2014, Bucharest


A Conference on Family Values – Can strong families prevent Human Trafficking?


 Conference in Bucharest, 2 April 2014 – On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family 2014.

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  • Antoine Renard, President of Federation of Catholic Family Organizations in Europe
  • On. Luca Volontè, President of the Novae Terrae Foundation




  • Zeljka Markic, President of In the name of the Family, Croatia
  • Ludovine de la Rochère, President of La Manif pour Tous, France
  • Paweł Woliński, Chairman of the Board of Fundacja Mamy i Tata, Poland (tbc)


The European Christian Political Movement (ECPM), the Group for Combating Trafficking in Persons of the Parliament of Romania, the Ecumenical Prayer Group of the Romanian Parliament and the Federation of Catholic Family Organizations in Europe (FAFCE) are pleased to invite you to our conference on Family Values and Human Trafficking in the Romanian Parliament in Bucharest, Romania, on April 2nd, 2014.


The aim of this one day conference is to discuss the importance of marriagefor the postmodern society. Experts from Croatia, Slovenia, France, Hungary, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom will share their views on how and why the family should be supported in the 21st century. The family is also important for the prevention of human trafficking which is a growing problem across Europe today. The conference will also address this issue and seek to identify solutions that truly respect the dignity of each person.


The conference is open to legislators, legal experts, law students, think tanks, family associations and others who take interest in the promotion of the family and its interest.

Registrations are open on the ECPM website. In the context of the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family (2014) FAFCE wishes to promote the family as a subject of rights and thereby contribute to the strengthening of those rights that already exist and are enshrined in legal instruments at the international, European and national levels.

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DISCLAIMER: condamnă instigarea la ură şi violenţă. Dar, după cum confirmă şi CEDO în cazul Handyside vs. UK (para 49), consideră că dezbaterea onestă şi libertatea de exprimare pe subiecte de interes public – printre care se numără şi avortul sau atracţia pentru persoane de acelaşi sex – trebuie să aibă loc în mod democratic, fără a fi cenzurate de ameninţarea că vor fi interpretate ca „discurs al urii”.

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