Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie din 5 iulie 2020

Românii se uită prea pasiv și indiferenți la ceea ce se întâmplă în SUA, ar trebui să fie mai atenți: valul revoluției culturale, declanșate de sexo-marxiștii din America, ar putea lovi oricând și România., 30 iunie
President Donald Trump took a strong stand for the rights of women and children when he defunded the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in 2017 because of its connections to forced abortions in China. LifeNews, 3 iulie
A British teenager with Down syndrome has made history by starring in a Gucci Beauty campaign, which was featured in Italian Vogue. LiveAction, 5 iulie
World renowned Canadian conductor explained that his musical career began “before birth” when he heard music from inside his mother’s womb. LifeSiteNews, 30 iunie
Katrina Jackson, the Democratic Louisiana State Senator behind the “Unsafe Abortion Protection Act,” is speaking out about the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision to strike down that law in their June Medical Services v. Russo ruling. PregnancyHelpNews, 3 iulie
A French Court of Appeal has found 12 college students who joined a spontaneous action against an “LGBT rights” stand in La Roche-sur-Yon, the administrative capital of the Vendée in the west of France, “not guilty” of homophobic insults and obstruction to a legal public demonstration. LifeNews, 3 iulie
A woman who allegedly was raped by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein said he pressured her into aborting her unborn baby and then threatened her if she told. LifeNews, 3 iulie
According to the make-believe world of the left, we are experiencing a great moment in American racial history. DailyWire, 4 iulie
Twitter Engineering said Thursday it’s weeding out non-inclusive language in its code — which means, for example, that words like „whitelist” and „blacklist” will change to „allowlist” and „denylist,” respectively.. The Blaze, 3 iulie
Cele mai importante bătălii sociale se dau pe probleme fundamentale: atitudinile față de viață, familie și ideologii. Fii la curent cu ce se întâmplă la nivel național și internațional în acest domenii, apoi implică-te concret acolo unde poți. Citește în fiecare zi de la ora 20.00 Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie, pe Dacă găsești un material care poate fi de folos și altora, trimite linkul pe