revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 8 septembrie

Transport teams from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta worked through last weekend to safely evacuate 10 neonatal intensive care (NICU) babies from hospitals in Savannah, Ga., ahead of Hurricane Dorian. FoxNews, 7 septembrie

The Canadian Government has denied youth summer jobs to 26 organisations because officials felt they were attempting to weaken or limit access to abortion. The 26 organisations, a number of which were crisis pregnancy centres, found themselves denied funding because they are pro-life. LiveAction, 8 septembrie

Utah has enacted tough penalties for polygamy in recent years, in a bid to move past the state’s complicated history with the practice. But a state senator now wants to reverse the crackdown and make polygamy a low-level offense on par with a traffic ticket. FoxNews, 8 septembrie

This coming Tuesday, September 10th, House Republicans are holding a hearing entitled “End Infanticide: Examining the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.” NationalRightToLife, 7 septembrie

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Rather than using his birthday vacation money to go to Disney World, this little boy chose to feed Hurricane Dorian evacuees instead. GoodNews, 7 septembrie

PragerU’s Will Witt visited Echo Park in Los Angeles recently to gather signatures for two petitions. The first was to protect preborn eagles. LiveAction, 8 septembrie

On Friday, philosopher Christina Hoff Sommers appeared on HBO’s „Real Time with Bill Maher” to discuss feminism and political correctness. DailyWire, 7 septembrie

Jasiel Correia, the 27-year-old Democrat mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts, was arrested Friday on charges of fraud, extortion, bribery, and filing false tax returns. DailyWire, 8 septembrie

Sex trafficking on tape is easier to view than you might realize. Fight the new drug, 30 august

After Milly Molly MandyThe Famous Five and The Hobbit, which book would you most like to read with your 7-year-old? How about, Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity?  MercatorNet, 6 septembrie

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