revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 7 august

Vice President Mike Pence sat down with Mike Farris of Alliance Defending Freedom and answered a wide-ranging panel of questions on issues of importance to Christian voters. LifeNews, 6 august

On Friday, August 2, Jenna Bush Hager and husband Henry Hager welcomed their third baby, a boy. Bush Hager announced the news in a segment on the TODAY Show where she is a regular host. LiveAction, 7 august

A number of nurses (36 to be exact) at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo., are expecting or have recently given birth. FoxNews, 7 august

While pro-abortion groups like NARAL would like us all to believe that abortion survivors are “imaginary,” the truth is that babies can and do survive abortions.  LiveAction, 6 august

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In the horrific aftermath of two mass shootings in one weekend, a story of a mother’s love has touched many people around the world. LiveAction, 7 august

Four teams of runners in the United States and other parts of the world are in the home stretch in the annual A-Cross America Relay, where runners and walkers seek to end the practice of abortion. LifeSiteNews, 6 august

Savannah* found herself in a detention center after fleeing conflict in her own country and then immigrated to Australia. PregnancyHelpNews, 4 august

As the political system of Venezuela continues to collapse, the country’s women and girls seeking asylum are being trafficked at increased rates, according to a new report obtained by Fox News. FoxNews, 7 august

On Tuesday’s episode of „The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben Shapiro discusses The New York Times’ decision to dilute the truth in the face of opposition. DailyWire, 6 august

We’re all on the same side. When a white supremacist terrorist shoots up a Walmart filled with innocents in El Paso, we should all be on the same side. We should be mourning together; we should be fighting together. DailyWire, 7 august

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DISCLAIMER: condamnă instigarea la ură şi violenţă. Dar, după cum confirmă şi CEDO în cazul Handyside vs. UK (para 49), consideră că dezbaterea onestă şi libertatea de exprimare pe subiecte de interes public – printre care se numără şi avortul sau atracţia pentru persoane de acelaşi sex – trebuie să aibă loc în mod democratic, fără a fi cenzurate de ameninţarea că vor fi interpretate ca „discurs al urii”.

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