revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 6 aprilie

Tuesday, April 2, it snowed as I headed out to the abortion center sidewalk to speak for the unborn and offer help to the mamas with our Cities4life team. LiveAction, 4 aprilie

Of all the possible candidates who want to challenge President Donald Trump in 2020, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz may be the most moderate on abortion – but that is not saying a lot. LifeNews, 5 aprilie

Many know about the story of how Apple founder Steve Jobs was born to an unwed college student and was placed with an adoptive family. LiveAction, 3 aprilie

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While speaking to a rather vocal group of college students about the right to life that should exist for all humans, including preborn children, Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins had a jaw-dropping encounter with a pro-abortion student who believes children at the border have more rights than babies who survive abortions. LiveAction, 5 aprilie

Pro-choice Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) has come out in opposition to S. 1209, an extreme bill meant to expand abortion in the state. LiveAction, 5 aprilie

The Vermont Senate voted Thursday in favor of making abortion a constitutional right in the state. LiveAction, 5 aprilie

In January, Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran introduced a bill that she admitted, on camera, would allow a child to be aborted up to the moment of birth, even while the mother was in labor.  LiveAction, 5 aprilie 2019

Hilaria Baldwin, the 35-year-old wife of actor Alec Baldwin, has revealed on Instagram that she is pregnant for the fifth time, and that sadly, she also believes she is currently experiencing a miscarriage. LiveAction, 4 aprilie

A woman is heard on a newly obtained 911 recording screaming and crying out in agony as an employee of Northland Family Planning requests help during a 911 call after a woman had a hole torn in her womb during an abortion there on February 7, 2019. LifeSiteNews, 5 aprilie

In 1972 Helen Reddy hit the song charts singing, „I am Woman, Hear me Roar.” In her deep-throated nasal she belted out lyrics such as „… Yes, I am wise. But it’s wisdom born of pain. LifeSiteNews, 5 aprilie

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