Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie din 18 iulie 2020
Deputata Adriana Saftoiu, vicepreședintele Comisiei parlamentare de Anchetă privind situația cazurilor copiilor dispăruți, a scris într-o postare pe Facebook că ONG-urile din domeniu au relatat ca există Direcții de Protecția Copilului care furnizează „marfă” pentru rețelele de trafic de persoane, respectiv prostituție și/sau cerșetorie. ActiveNews, 18 iulie
Opt creștini sunt uciși în fiecare zi pentru credința lor la nivelul întregii lumi, arată statisticile Open Doors, o rețea mondială de ONG-uri creștine non-profit., 17 iulie
Betty (not her real name) refers to the moment she found out she was pregnant as “the worst.” She felt “hopeless and helpless” and completely alone. Without a home or a stable income, she felt her only choice was abortion, and made an appointment at a Marie Stopes abortion facility in the UK. LifeSiteNews, 17 iulie
An OB-GYN who has delivered almost 4,000 babies and to date been successful six out of six times in reversing the effects of the abortion pill recently explained the specifics of abortion pill reversal (APR), emphasizing that with a successful reversal the result is a healthy mom and a healthy baby. PregnancyHelpNews, 17 iulie
Disturbing correspondence from a co-counsel of Roe v. Wade, the decision which legalized abortion nationwide, reveals that a eugenics and population control ideology has long been behind the push for the abortion pill’s availability. LiveAction, 17 iulie
As the only Western eyewitness to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal one-child policy, I applauded when it finally ended in 2016. LifeSiteNews, 17 iulie
“Our rights tradition is under assault,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned solemnly at the unveiling of a report of the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights he founded over one year ago. LifeSiteNews, 17 iulie
The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva recently approved the appointment of South African doctor Tlaleng Mofokeng as Special Rapporteur on the right to health. Mofokeng is an outspoken advocate for “sexual and reproductive health” in the human rights arena and in her capacity as a doctor, “provided abortion services for more than a decade.” LifeSiteNews, 17 iulie
Detroit’s Joe Louis Arena was demolished earlier this spring, but exactly 40 years ago – July 17, 1980 – its then sparkling new rafters were reverberating with the triumphant cheers of Republican delegates as Ronald Reagan accepted his party’s nomination for president. FoxNews, 17 iulie
Attorney General William Barr summoned American businesses on Thursday to wake up quickly to the threat that is the Chinese Communist Party, warning that China “thinks in terms of decades and centuries, while we tend to focus on the next quarter’s earning report.” DailyWire, 17 iulie