Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 3 ianuarie
Worldometers, a nonpartisan company owned by Dadax, tracks world statistics on various things like population, health, government and more. And according to, “[a]s of December 31, 2018, there have been some 41.9 million abortions performed in the course of the year…. By contrast, 8.2 million people died from cancer in 2018, 5 million from smoking, and 1.7 million died of HIV/AIDS.” LiveActionNews, 3 ianuarie
A jarring eight-minute video from Cut’s HiHo brand released on Friday features feminist and „Shout Your Abortion” movement founder Amelia Bonow promoting abortion to children. The segment is predictably filled with anti-science and pro-abortion talking points and includes Bonow bragging about her own abortion to the young boys and girls. DailyWare, 31 decembrie
Decades of advocacy has ensured that people with Down syndrome are increasingly integrated into many parts of society—individuals with Down syndrome are graduating from high school, running businesses, modeling, and much more. Despite these advances, lingering discrimination in education can make long-term prospects for young adults with Down syndrome limited. Sky Simpson’s family knows this firsthand — that’s why Sky’s father decided to start a business he could run with his son. LiveAction, 2 ianuarie
Alana Edmonson initially considered an adoption plan for her unborn baby when she became pregnant as a young student. Her sister even offered to adopt her child. LifeNews, 2 ianuarie
Police issued a warning to a pro-homosexual activist in St. Catharines, Ontario after he encouraged his followers on Twitter to protest at the home of the parents of pro-life and pro-family provincial politician Sam Oosterhoff. LifeSiteNews, 2 ianuarie
Facebook apologized for temporarily banning evangelist Franklin Graham because of a 2016 post about a North Carolina bathroom privacy bill. LifeSiteNews, 2 ianuarie
Cell phone footage of a confrontation at a New Mexico GameStop location has gone viral after revealing a customer shouting obscenities and threats at a salesperson for referring to him as “sir” instead of “ma’am.” LifeSiteNews, 2 ianuarie
Thanks to media efforts, children are learning all about abortion just in time for the new year – from a staunch abortion supporter only too happy to regurgitate talking points to youngsters. LifeNews, 2 ianuarie
On Wednesday, for the first time in its history, New York City offered a third option for parents of newborn babies or anyone choosing not to identify as male or female: changing or setting the gender of a birth certificate to “X.” DailyWare, 2 ianuarie
„In God we Trust” will be the new standard on Mississippi license plates beginning this month. It will replace the design featuring blues legend B.B. King. FoxNews, 3 ianuarie