revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 28 august

Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin) announced Monday that he will be stepping down from his position as U.S. Representative, which he has held since 2011. He said the decision comes after learning that his new baby girl, due in October, has received a prenatal diagnosis. Liveaction, 27 august

There are few things in life that have a bigger impact than becoming a parent. Motherhood, in particular, changes a woman in profound ways—not just physically, but emotionally, too. MyModernMet, 27 august

A green checked singlet lies in the far left corner of one of my drawers. Rouched bodice, ties on the straps… I’ve never worn it, but for the last decade it has stayed there., 13 august

Despite being bullied because of her physical appearance, Nia is full of joy and changing the way her community cares for others. FoxNews, 28 august

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Texas mom praised a United Airlines crew and passengers who accommodated her four-year-old son with autism who did not want to sit still on their flight home from a family vacation. FoxNews, 28 august

Last year, I spoke on the issue of abortion at Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California. Townhall, 19 august

A new WSJ /NBC News poll released Sunday finds that Americans, especially younger generations, place significantly less value on what Americans twenty years ago considered their most important personal priorities and what should define the national character. FoxNews, 27 august

In Australia, 14-year-old Jessica Boatwright has been on a mission to find her biological mother.  A Current Affair reports that the teen was adopted into a loving family as a baby but has been on a search to find answers to the mystery surrounding how she came to them. LifeNews, 27 august

Abortion doulas are volunteers to who try to comfort women during their abortions. In their book The Doulas: Radical Care for Pregnant People, pro-abortion activists Mary Mahoney and Lauren Mitchell told the story of one woman’s extremely painful and traumatic abortion. LiveAction, 28 august

Parental disenfranchisement in the face of transgender juggernaut has come to Australia. MercatorNet, 28 august

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