revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 23 ianuarie

The New York Senate passed a radical pro-abortion bill Tuesday that would allow unborn babies to be aborted for basically any reason up to birth. LifeNews, 22 ianuarie

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) directed that the One World Trade Center’s spire be lit pink overnight on Tuesday to celebrate his signing of a law allowing abortions until birth and letting non-doctors commit abortions. LifeSiteNews, 23 ianuarie

Twitter has spent years assuring the public that it will crack down on trolling, harassment, and violent threats. It’s also pledged to tackle “misinformation” and “unhealthy conversation,” using these loaded terms as excuses to ban a wide range of anti-progressive dissidents from the platform. Breibart, 21 ianuarie

A new report reveals the major networks devoted 19 minutes to coverage of false accusations of racism against the Covington Catholic teens attending the March for Life, in contrast with only 58 seconds spent on the actual annual pro-life event. Breibart, 22 ianuarie

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Democrat-led states were eager to show just how permissive they are in allowing the most abortions, without restriction, on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Breibart, 22 ianuarie

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., spoke out on Monday about the urgency to take on climate change, comparing it to World War II. FoxNews, 22 ianuarie

The Washington Post has walked back claims about the military record of Nathan Phillips, the Native American activist at the center of a national controversy captured on video at Friday’s Woman’s March in Washington, D.C. Breibart, 22 ianuarie

Sen. Joni Ernst was abused by her husband before their divorce, according to court filings. FoxNews, 22 ianuarie

Over the weekend, many people attended the March for Life in Washington, including a group of students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky. A video from the event taken just steps from the Lincoln Memorial surfaced – an edited video – which seemed to portray a group of students from Covington Catholic High School as provoking, harassing and insulting a man by the name of Nathan Philips. He is a Native American elder chief. FoxNews, 22 ianuarie

We are only three weeks into 2019, a mere 22 days, and already the establishment media have hit us with four massive hoaxes, four flaming piles of fake news. Breibart, 22 ianuarie

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