revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 12 februarie

I just left the House floor where, for the fourth straight legislative day, House Democrats blocked a vote on a bill that would protect babies who survive abortions from being murdered.  LifeSiteNews, 11 februarie

Two-time Masters Tournament champion Bubba Watson and his wife, Angie, know how difficult the adoption process can be and they’re hoping their family’s journey can motivate others to adopt children. FoxNews, 12 februarie

Operation Rescue has learned that Robert J. Santella passed away unexpectedly last year at the age of 74. Santella was a long-time abortionist for the Family Planning Associates (now FPA Women’s Health) abortion facility in San Diego County. LifeSiteNews, 11 februarie

As my friend Sam Sey noted recently, the easiest way to tell that the so-called social justice movement is more concerned about trendiness than justice is the fact that they do not seem to care at all about abortion, a common brutality against the youngest and weakest members of our society. LifeSiteNews, 11 februarie

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31 states have some form of legal protection for babies born alive in abortions. Four of those states (Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wyoming) only require care for born-alive infants if the child is past the age of viability. LiveAction, 11 februarie

The FBI and local law enforcement are investigating threats against Covington Catholic High School and its students, according to the Ohio Christian Alliance (OCA). LifeSiteNews, 11 februarie

 Last month, a docker in Northern England was informed by the police in Humberside that he would be the subject of a formal investigation for tweeting out a limerick about transgender people.  LifeSiteNews, 11 februarie

Lesbian actress and left-wing activist Ellen Page accused actor Chris Pratt of belonging to a church that “hates a certain group of people” over the weekend, despite the Guardians of the Galaxy star’s church being largely silent on homosexuality. LifeSiteNews, 11 februarie

Imagine that you’re successful public figure. At the age of 55, you hit a severe midlife crisis, so severe that you suddenly decide to leave your wife and four kids for another woman.  FoxNews, 12 februarie

A woman who served as a national spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and worked for Barack Obama in both the White House and on his re-election campaign ripped Esquire magazine for titling a story about a white male heterosexual high school student, “An American Boy.” DailyWare, 12 februarie

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