revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 29 iunie

President Donald Trump recounted for Christian supporters his pro-life achievements but cautioned that the political landscape is “fragile” and could change abruptly if the “wrong person” is elected president in 2020.  LifeSiteNews, 28 iunie

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas issued another powerful opinion Friday after the high court rejected a case about protecting unborn babies from brutal dismemberment abortions. LifeNews, 28 iunie

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak with author and founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), Star Parker, about her anti-abortion advocacy and the way in which she analogizes abortion to slavery. DailyWire, 28 iunie

Gracie Benedith-Cane created Braille Code Inc. to help her visually impaired son, Wani, dress himself independently in the morning. The company prints Braille patches for clothing to help blind and visually impaired people identify items by touch., 26 iunie

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The mother of a six-year-old girl traumatized by gender ideology lessons that parents weren’t told about beforehand says she is taking the school board to Ontario’s Human Rights Tribunal because “it’s an issue of moral conscience.” LifeSiteNews, 28 iunie

British opponents of forced abortion rallied outside England’s Houses of Parliament yesterday.  LifeSiteNews, 26 iunie

Does infanticide even exist?  LiveAction, 27 iunie

This may be the worst story you read today.  LifeSiteNews, 28 iunie

Born at 23 weeks and three days, Saybie is now the world’s smallest surviving baby. This little girl, nicknamed Saybie by her doctors, weighed in at 8.6 ounces. SaveTheStorks, 16 iunie

A new study from Switzerland shows that music can do much more than soothe the senses – in fact, the research says that specially-orchestrated music can help boost the neurodevelopment of prematurely born babies. GoodNews, 10 iunie

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