revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 12 decembrie

pro-life  WATCH: Mainstream media isn’t telling the truth. America is mostly pro-life.

Major media outlets and the talking heads of society have made a bad habit of pronouncing the United States as a pro-choice nation. LiveAction, 11 decembrie

  WATCH: Mom Sings Creepy Lullaby She Says Her Baby “Gave” Her Before Aborting Her

A pro-life group has released an unbelievable video of a mother signing a creepy lullaby that her baby “gave” her before she killed her baby in an abortion. LiveAction, 11 decembrie

pregnant  Teen says he killed pregnant cheerleader because she didn’t abort baby

16-year-old Indiana high school student Aaron Trejo has been arrested after he admitted to killing 17-year-old Breana Rouhselang and their preborn baby by stabbing her in the heart after learning she hid her pregnancy from him until she was six months pregnant. LiveAction, 11 decembrie

Featured Image  City switches off grandma’s mic while reading Christmas story at Christ Child Market

Organizers of an annual Christmas market turned off the microphone as a Christian grandmother began to read the story of Christ’s birth. LifeSiteNews, 11 decembrie

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Featured Image  Canadian pro-life politician tells parliament ‘Jesus called us to be lights’

Conservative MP Ted Falk took to the floor of Parliament on Monday to deliver a short Christmas message calling on his colleagues to keep in mind the holiday’s true meaning. LifeSiteNews, 11 decembrie

Featured Image  Archeologists: Sodom and Gomorrah literally destroyed by fire and brimstone falling from the sky

A group of archeologists and other scientists say they have discovered strong evidence that the region of the “Middle Ghor,” where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are believed to have existed, were in fact destroyed by a meteor that exploded in the sky above, raining down superheated matter and raising temperatures to thousands of degrees, a theory that matches the account of the cities’ destruction contained in the Old Testament Book of Genesis. LifeSiteNews, 11 decembrie

Featured Image  ‘We loved you louder’: Inspiring story of a mom whose baby healed the trauma of rape

A mother who became pregnant after being violently raped has said that her son brought healing to their family in their darkest time. LifeSiteNews, 11 decembrie

adopt, adoption  Empty nesters adopt five siblings: ‘It was important that we kept them together’

Tyrone Mack, both age 55, are celebrating their decision to adopt five siblings this past November. Though it isn’t their first go as parents — between them, they raised six children during previous marriages — it is different this time around. LiveAction, 11 decembrie

WATCH: 88-year-old mother reunites with daughter she thought died at birth

In 1949, Genevieve Purinton was an 18-year-old unwed mother, delivering her precious little girl at a hospital in Indiana. LiveAction, 11 decembrie

Imagini pentru Family of Florida woman who died on first date claim she was left for dead on interstate: report  Family of Florida woman who died on first date claim she was left for dead on interstate: report

The family of a Florida woman who reportedly died Friday after falling off a motorcycle during a first date claims her date left her for dead on an interstate, reports said. FoxNews, 12 decembrie

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