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Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 24 iulie

In recent YouTube videos, former Olympic gold medalist gymnast Shawn Johnson East and her husband shared the experience of discovering her pregnancy has a rare complication. LiveAction, 23 iulie

In 2017, the Trump administration announced plans to cut millions of dollars in grants to Planned Parenthood through the failed Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program. LifeNews, 24 iulie

High school football players in Idaho surprised a 9-year-old boy with autism by coming to his birthday party after only one classmate accepted his invitation. FoxNews, 23 iulie

A pregnant mother in Minnesota had taken her 3-year-old twins to the lake on Sunday in hopes of teaching them how to float when she heard the cries of another mother in distress. FoxNews, 23 iulie

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The latest video in Live Action’s “Pro-Life Replies” series counters the claim that babies with disabilities are better off aborted. LiveAction, 24 iulie

A teenage couple in the United Kingdom who both have Down syndrome were crowned prom king and queen by their classmates at their mainstream school on July 14. Both were thrilled. LiveAction, 23 iulie

Jordan Peterson, world-famous psychologist and free speech advocate, has a reassuring message for women who’d like to have a family but who feel pressure from media, academia, and even friends to say “no” to their dream because, they’ve been told, a child has a “negative” impact on the environment.  LifeSiteNews, 23 iulie

Last month, the controversial psychologist and popular public speaker Jordan Peterson announced that he is creating a new social media site. MercatorNet, 24 iulie

Among his many exhortations to conservatives is Russell Kirk’s insistence that they be guided by the principle of prudence. DailyWire, 24 iulie

This summer marks the 24th consecutive year of Crossroads Pro-Life Walks Across America. Crossroads was founded in 1995 by then-college student Steve Sanborn. LiveAction, 22 iulie

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