Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 15 iunie
The fact is, abortion ends life. LiveAction, 12 iunie
We met when I was 16. He had just gotten home from boot camp for the military, and was a mutual friend of a girl I had known my whole life. LiveAction, 14 iunie
At Slate, writer William Saletan admits that taxpayer funding of abortion — which every Democratic presidential candidate is currently supporting — is a wildly unpopular idea in America, even among women. LiveAction, 14 iunie
The parents of baby Charlie Gard have received critical backing for a law pushing for parental rights of sick children. DailyWare, 14 iunie
An Anglican vicar has made headlines by stating publicly that LGBT indoctrination of children at school is a form of child abuse. LifeSiteNews, 14 iunie
SPUC supporters certainly contributed to the ‘large number of written submissions’ calling for this Bill not to be used to change the law on abortion – and the committee listened. SPUC, 14 iunie
The corporate media — including social media — are now engaged in a full-fledged and collusive attempt to silence conservative voices in time for the 2020 election. DailyWare, 15 iunie
Near-universal consensus about anything is rare in ethics. MercatorNet, 11 iunie