Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie din 6 iulie 2020

Națiunea noastră este martora unei campanii înverșunate care vrea să ne șteargă istoria, să ne defăimeze eroii, să anuleze valorile noastre și să ne îndoctrineze copiii. Marginalia, 6 iulie
În luna iulie, peste pământul martirizat al Basarabiei, se aud clopotele memoriei şi plânsetele sfâşietoare a sute de mii de oameni cu destinele sfărâmate, oameni fără de vină smulşi de la vatra lor părintească, aruncaţi în vagoanele morţii şi deportaţi în Siberiile de gheaţă., 5 iulie
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Monday that President Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore was the most “important speech since Ronald Reagan” addressed the British Parliament in 1982. FoxNews, 6 iulie
Many see the slogan Black Lives Matter as a plea to secure the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans, especially historically wronged African Americans. They add the BLM hashtag to their social-media profiles, carry BLM signs at protests, and make financial donations. The Heritage Foundation, 3 iulie
Our country is under attack from radical leftists. Mobs rampage through our streets, monuments are being destroyed, and the very law and order that ensures our communities’ peace and security is being undermined. The Heritage Foundation, 3 iulie
As a defender for the Orlando Pride women’s soccer team, 26-year-old Carson Pickett is no stranger to the spotlight. But last year, a photo of her went viral not for her athletic achievements, but for her meeting with a very special fan. LiveAction, 5 iulie
Their feature ministry is a maternity home where residents are encouraged to learn how past trauma effects choices and everyday experiences. Pregnancy Help News, 6 iulie
Earlier this year, a Utah Republican put forward a bill to decriminalize polygamy, receiving unanimous consent almost immediately from a key Senate committee. LifeSiteNews, 3 iulie
The word freedom has various meanings. In the United States, we have the freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of religion. Biblically, we have freedom to choose our own path and freedom from sin through Jesus Christ. Save the Storks, 2 iulie