revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 2 iunie

The New York Times described an unborn child’s detectable heartbeat as “embryonic pulsing” in its article this week detailing the bold pro-life movement sweeping the states. Breibart, 1 iunie

The Illinois state House this week passed a radical pro-abortion bill that would legalize abortion through every stage of pregnancy and officially codify the dehumanization of the unborn into law. It would also eliminate spousal consent and require insurance companies to cover abortion. DailyWare, 31 mai

This week the nation’s imagination was captivated by a beautiful newborn baby girl called Saybie, who left the hospital weighing 5 pounds, 6 ounces. FoxNews, 2 iunie

For years, abortion advocates have been claiming that pro-life laws increase maternal mortality rates. The usual target is Texas, as the state defunded Planned Parenthood, leading activists to immediately begin claiming that there was a massive increase in maternal mortality.  LiveAction, 1 iunie

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The Illinois Senate has passed SB 25, and Governor J.B. Pritzker has announced his intention to sign the bill. LiveAction, 31 mai

Now, since that is out of the way, I can say what we all have been thinking: Those in America’s marriage-eligible demographic have all lost their minds completely. FoxNews, 2 iunie

Hollywood has long been out of touch with most Americans, which is one reason why few bother to watch its annual self-congratulatory pageant called the Oscars. LifeNews, 31 mai

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s opinion slamming eugenic abortions in a recent Indiana case struck a nerve with abortion advocates this week. LifeNews, 31 mai

Conservative MPs are demanding better protection for Australians of faith in the wake of a Christian rugby star losing his job for expressing his religious views on social media. LifeSiteNews, 31 mai

Seville, a city with a deeply Catholic tradition, will have its first mosque in 700 years, Defend Europa reports. VoiceOfEurope, 27 mai

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