revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 2 ianuarie

The Utah Legislature has approved a bill that would ensure that women choosing to undergo abortions have informed consent. The bill, which awaits Governor Gary Herbert’s signature, would require a woman to complete an online module which would educate her on childbirth (including fetal development, with photos), abortion (including a section on fetal pain), adoption, and other aid resources available to her before she makes her decision about her pregnancy. LiveActionNews, 2 ianuarie

On Sunday’s edition of Reliable Sources, CNN host Brian Stelter brought on three reporters who broke big stories in the #MeToo movement about sexual harassment and assault by powerful people, especially the accusations against CBS CEO Les Moonves, who was dismissed without the massive severance package he expected. LifeNews, 2 ianuarie

Pro-abortion politicians should repent for promoting the destruction of human life, Irish Catholic Bishop Kevin Doran said Tuesday. LifeNews, 2 ianuarie

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Stephanie George and her fiancé Giovanni were happily awaiting the arrival of their baby boy when at 30 weeks gestation they received life-altering news. An ultrasound revealed something was wrong with their preborn son’s heart and that he likely had a yet-to-be-diagnosed health condition. While doctors gave them little hope for his survival, the couple would soon learn that their son is a fighter. LiveActionNews, 2 ianuarie

When a young girl faces a crisis pregnancy, it’s not uncommon for her to be pressured into getting an abortion. But the support one girl received not only saved her daughter’s life — it saved her own, too. LiveActionNews, 2 ianuarie

On December 18 I wrote an article about how, Jocelyn Downie, a long-time euthanasia activist is pressuring St. Martha’s Hospital in Antigonish to participate in euthanasia. The story has not subsided. LifeNews, 31 decembrie

Nearly four years ago, when Planned Parenthood opened a clinic in her community, Ivette Rodriguez envisioned leading a pregnancy center to touch the hearts and minds of women tempted to end the lives of their unborn children. This month, that vision becomes reality when the doors of Beyond Pregnancy Care Center finally open in Kissimmee, Florida. PregnancyHelpNews, 2 ianuarie

A new phenomenon appears to be taking place as employees of the so-called “women’s rights organization” Planned Parenthood are spilling long held secrets and exposing inner workings and toxic attitudes of the organization, founded 100 years by eugenicist Margaret Sanger. While these revelations might come as a surprise to pro-choicers, pro-lifers know that the organization’s roots have been rotten for decades. LiveActionNews, 1 ianuarie 2019

A woman from Texas was killed while shielding her son from a tree knocked down by high winds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee last week, according to her family. FoxNews, 1 ianuarie

After a violent attack of four refugees, the German town of Amberg is still in shock, news outlet Focus reports. Voice of Europe, 1 ianuarie

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