revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 11 februarie


In all the talk about late-term abortion in which the value of the child is seemingly completely overlooked, three women are standing up to retell their stories. LiveAction, 11 februarie

Krysta Davis and her boyfriend, Derek Lovett, were thrilled to be welcoming a baby into their family after previously suffering a miscarriage at 10 weeks.  LiveAction, 10 februarie

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After New York State passed one of the most expansive and and sweeping abortion laws in the country, Massachusetts is poised to follow in its footsteps.  LiveAction, 11 februarie

While polling showed President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night was overwhelmingly approved by viewers, few Democrat representatives gave an inch in showcasing their support for even highly bipartisan issues mentioned by Trump, because, of course, they were mentioned by Trump, and #Resist. Or something. DailyWare, 11 februarie

A Ghana man recently confessed to secretly killing six of his own unborn babies by slipping abortion drugs to his girlfriends without their knowledge. LifeNews, 11 februarie

Life is chock full of teachable moments, but sometimes it takes a four-legged teacher to reveal them to us. FaithWire, 5 februarie

Access to the birth control pill in the U.S. has increased the births of children outside of marriage, especially among poor and minority women, according to a new study of the contraceptive’s historic effects. Catholic News Agency, 7 februarie

On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Dr .Binita Ashar Federal Drug Administration released a statement on the danger of women getting cancer after having breast implants. DailyWare, 7 februarie

A Missouri woman used poison to kill her husband – so she could marry a man doing life behind bars for murder, investigators alleged. FoxNews, 10 februarie

It’s open season on white males at Yale University. FoxNews, 11 februarie

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