Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 12 ianuarie 2020

After Michelle Williams used her award acceptance speech to promote abortion at the Golden Globes on Sunday, a Catholic model in labor took the time to record an Instagram video challenging Williams’ statement that abortion was integral to her success as an actress. LiveAction, 11 ianuarie
The pro-life documentary, Human Life, will premiere at the 2020 March for Life in Washington, D.C. The film features Tonio Tavares De Mello, the founder of the Jesus Menino Community of Brazil, a ministry that works with disabled children. SaveTheStorks, 10 ianuarie
Parents will do anything to protect their children, and for Sean Kelley, „anything” was dropping 40 pounds so that he could donate part of his liver to save his 1-year-old son’s life. TheBlaze, 10 ianuarie
Forced abortion. Coerced abortion. However it’s labeled or whatever it’s called, it happens on a consistent basis. LiveAction, 11 ianuarie
On Monday, three judges on the Alberta Court of Appeals unanimously ruled in favor of UAlberta Pro-Life, the pro-life student group at the University of Alberta in Canada. LiveAction, 11 ianuarie
Parents commit almost 4,000 “parenting mishaps” before their child moves out of the house, according to new research. FoxNews, 12 ianuarie
What’s the best thing about being a newly engaged couple? It’s the excitement you both feel about the future. Focus on the family, 10 ianuarie
There are steps short of fully funded family leave—which may be out of reach for many cash-strapped dioceses and nonprofits—that employers can take to ensure that parents do not have to choose between supporting their families financially and spending time with infants and young children. American Magazine, 10 ianuarie