Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 1 februarie 2020

I was raised in a pro-life household with Christian parents, but all the values I had been raised with were questioned when I found myself pregnant at 16 years old. LiveAction, 30 ianuarie
Energized by President Donald J. Trump’s history-making appearance at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on the previous day, thousands of pro-life supporters descended upon San Francisco, California for the 16th Annual Walk for Life. LifeSiteNews, 28 ianuarie
President Donald Trump thanked Nicholas Sandmann this weekend for the positive review the pro-life teen gave his speech at the 47th annual March for Life. LifeSiteNews, 28 ianuarie
On January 22, it was announced that the Trump administration approved federal funding for the Healthy Texas Women program, which offers health care and family planning services to thousands of low-income women in the state, but does not include Planned Parenthood. LiveAction, 28 ianuarie
A new documentary, Blind Eyes Opened: The Truth about Sex Trafficking in America, is shining a light on the “dark roots of sex trafficking” in the United States, including the connection between sex trafficking and abortion. LiveAction, 31 ianuarie
A leading American evangelist has responded to the cancellation of his appearance with a Gospel message. LifeSiteNews, 28 ianuarie
It was the kind of discussion I relish, one of those where a big vision comes forth and one can’t help but get excited about the possibilities. PregnancyHelpNews, 30 ianuarie
It was 1978 when Donna Swager first felt the call to help women facing an unexpected pregnancy. PregnancyHelpNews, 31 ianuarie
I love history, specifically, American history. PregnancyHelpNews, 31 ianuarie
But once all the signs are put away, and everyone leaves D.C., what happens next? How do we get involved in pro-life efforts 364 days a year, rather than just one? SaveTheStorks, 30 ianuarie