Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 9 septembrie

25 years ago I gave birth to this beautiful girl, but for months before I had her, I dreamed I was going to be having a demon-like creature rip out of me. “How could anything good come out of me?,” I thought. LiveAction, 8 septembrie
The first lady joined a chorus of officials voicing concern over the rampant use of e-cigarette products among the nation’s youth when she posted a tweet on Monday calling for more prevention and protection against nicotine addiction. FoxNews, 9 septembrie
Dr. Mehmet Oz announced Monday that his 80-year-old mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, urging viewers to take preventative action as early as possible. FoxNews, 9 septembrie
Every so often, a pop culture phenomenon reminds us just how thoroughly we have abandoned our Judeo-Christian heritage in the year of our Lord 2019. LifeSiteNews, 9 septembrie
As many as 20,000 pro-lifers descended on Belfast this weekend for the March for Their Lives, an event registering the public’s anger that the parliament of the United Kingdom has imposed legal abortion upon Northern Ireland. LifeSiteNews, 9 septembrie
Melissa Joan Hart has played several roles on television, from Clarissa to Sabrina to Mel, but her favorite is being a faith-filled mother to three boys. FoxNews, 9 septembrie
NFL superstar quarterback Drew Brees was broadsided by the LGBT lobby over his support of an innocuous program advocating for children to bring their Bibles to school and live their Christian faith out publicly. TheBlaze, 5 septembrie
A Muslim man claims that he was discriminated against after a Starbucks employee misspelled his name on his order at their location in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Blaze, 5 septembrie
New data on the mental health of American college students shows a sombre trend. MercatorNet, 9 septembrie