revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 9 ianuarie 2020

de Redacția

Rebekah Hagan is grateful for the life of her six-year-old son, and she wants to give back by helping other moms facing adversity in pregnancy. LifeNews, 8 ianuarie

LoveLine, the latest ministry founded by former Planned Parenthood director and pro-life activist, Abby Johnson, has had an incredible first few months. FaithWire, 8 ianuarie

One Florida mom has a lot of reasons to count her blessings this new year. Alexandra Wolliston, who lives in West Palm Beach, gave birth last year to two sets of twins — without any IVF. LiveAction, 8 ianuarie

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In February 2019, Bieber told Vogue Magazine that he imposed a yearlong celibacy on himself prior to marrying his wife to honor God’s call to chastity. DailyWire, 9 ianuarie

Spring Valley, N.Y., man is being hailed a hero after stopping a pit bull from tearing apart a baby boy and his sister Tuesday afternoon. FoxNews, 8 ianuarie

The number of alcohol-related deaths in the U.S. has more than doubled since the turn of the century, according to a new government report. FoxNews, 8 ianuarie

In today’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon Van Maren speaks with acclaimed author and professor Karen Swallow Prior. LifeSiteNews, 8 ianuarie

A South Carolina man has been sentenced to decades in prison for child sex abuse after he pleaded guilty in a Charleston County court this week, court records show. The State, 8 ianuarie

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