Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 20 ianuarie 2020

A midwifery student banned from her hospital placement over her pro-life views has demanded an apology from university bosses. Precious Littlefeet, 20 ianuarie
The next six recipients of Heartbeat International’s life-saving pregnancy help start-up grant have been announced. PrengnacyHelpNews, 17 ianuarie
Children instinctively know that abortion isn’t a good or happy act. LiveAction, 20 ianuarie
For years, abortion advocates have claimed that pro-lifers are religious zealots and hypocrites who don’t care about women. LiveAction, 19 ianuarie
A mother-of-two who was prescribed painkillers after a miscarriage has told how she became so addicted that she ended up ‘faking her identity’ to get more pills, lost her home and was arrested in front of her children. DailyMail, 20 ianuarie
The third of three short films on the harm of pornography from a group called Fight the New Drug is The World: how pornography can affect society. MercatorNet, 17 ianuarie
To win a great woman a boy must become a great man. The question then becomes: does his father know how to help him become a great man? How can an ordinary father grow a great son? MercatorNet, 16 ianuarie