revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 11 octombrie

Actor James Van Der Beek of Dawson’s Creek fame is one of Dancing with the Stars’ current season cast members. This week he invited millions of viewers into a very personal aspect of his life as he allowed the DWTS’ cameras into the doctor’s office while his wife Kimberly had an ultrasound. LiveAction, 10 octombrie

On October 8th, Created Equal released an incredible new video showing how the work pro-lifers do on the sidewalks of abortion facilities matters and absolutely saves lives. LiveAction, 10 octombrie

cancer survivor who grew up to become a pediatric nurse has returned to the hospital where she was diagnosed and treated for leukemia at age 2 — as one of the hospital’s newest employees. FoxNews, 10 octombrie

Planned Parenthood announced this week that it plans to spend at least $45 million on helping to elect pro-abortion candidates in 2020. For the 2016 election, the abortion corporation spent $30 million in their failed attempt to help Hilary Clinton win the presidency. LiveAction, 9 octombrie

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Remains of aborted children were found on Wednesday in the trunk of a 1990s Mercedes Benz owned by the late abortionist Ulrich Klopfer. The car was in a gated lot of a business in Dolton, Illinois and contained five plastic bags and one box with medically preserved human remains. LiveAction, 10 octombrie

Monica Kerrigan made it a point to slam President Donald Trump’s pro-life policies in what appears to be her first interview as the new director of Planned Parenthood Global. LifeNews, 10 octombrie

A new report says a 51-year-old British wedding planner died earlier this year after he reportedly ate a fish cake so hot it burned his throat, causing swelling to his airways that ultimately impeded his breathing. FoxNews, 11 octombrie

An arson attack on a Planned Parenthood facility that was reported as a hate crime inspired by undercover videos was actually an incident of domestic violence, a senior executive of the organization has been forced to admit in a San Francisco court room. DailyWire, 10 octombrie

This week, multiple outlets – including The Washington Post and The New York Post – ran an article from The Associated Press claiming 70% of millennial women have been “financially abused” by a romantic partner. DailyWire, 10 octombrie

In her first-ever public testimony, Sandra Merritt told a San Francisco jury Friday why she took part in an undercover operation that exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby body parts. LifeSiteNews, 8 octombrie

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