Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 1 septembrie
Editors at the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine recently told Live Action News that they allow authors of abortionstudies to keep funding sources anonymous to protect pro-abortion interests from alleged “anti-abortion” violence. This revelation is shocking, because in any study, it is important that funding sources be made public to reveal any actual or potential conflicts of interest. LiveAction, 31 august
Back-to-school on America’s college campuses can be an exciting time for parents and students alike. But if your college freshman comes home for Thanksgiving Break and you no longer recognize the person you dropped off just three months prior, that excitement may turn to shock, or even anger. Fox News, 1 septembrie
Berlin Police Officer Mark Pieffer’s body camera captures the frantic moments as he responds to a call for a woman in labor. FoxNews, 30 august
On Aug. 8, CNN headlined: „Owner of SoulCycle and the Miami Dolphins faces outrage and calls for boycott over Trump fundraiser.” Dailywire, 31 august
Ever since the trash-talking (and over-rated) George Carlin used his comedy stand-up tours to engage in longwinded and profanity-laced defences of abortion, edgy comedians seeking to shock and offend have followed in his footsteps in an attempt to use their platforms to fire up support for feticide. LifeSiteNews, 30 august
A little boy whose doctors confined him to his bedroom for three months has learned that ‘All the world IS a stage”—just outside his window. GoodNews, 30 august