Revista presei pro-viață și pro-familie din 25 iulie 2020

In recent years, the number of chemical abortions (the abortion pill) have increased significantly in the United States, as the abortion pill is being pushed by the abortion industry as an easy, private, do-it-yourself method of abortion. But the abortion pill, though marketed as safe and effective, is actually quite dangerous — four times more dangerous for women than surgical abortions. LiveAction, 24 iulie
After learning she was pregnant, Isabel (name has been changed) was “confused” and unsure of what to do. She was living with her brother but would be homeless if she had the baby, and she didn’t know how she could possibly raise a baby by herself. So Isabel decided to have an abortion. LiveAction, 24 iulie
Speaking at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, last week, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo iterated the Trump administration’s pro-life position, telling the audience that the administration continues to oppose international abortion groups’ efforts to declare abortion a human right. LiveAction, 24 iulie
A Texas family grew by five overnight, reuniting siblings previously separated in foster care. LiveAction, 24 iulie
A pro-life high school student who became the center of controversy after a Washington Post video went viral has settled a defamation lawsuit against the news outlet. LiveAction, 24 iulie
Evers and her husband Ellis, who preceded her in death, were active in pro-life work beginning well before the Roe decision legalized abortion nationwide, with some U.S. states having legalized abortion before the national ruling. Pregnancy Help News, 23 iulie
On Wednesday, The New York Times published an opinion piece by a “social emotional learning specialist” arguing that white parents who have created learning pods for their children during the coronavirus crisis are likely perpetuating “racial segregation” and “white supremacy.” DailyWire, 23 iulie
Ca să nu-și lase mama singură în cele mai cumplite momentul, bărbatul de 30 de ani a decis să se cațere în fiecare seară două etaje, până în dreptul secției de terapie intensivă unde se afla mama sa. Scena s-a repetat aproape o săptămână, până când femeia a murit. Digi 24, 22 iulie
Copiii trebuie pentru bine lor să respecte autoritatea părinților. Este un element fundamental dintr-o educație sănătoasă mai ales când copiii sunt foarte tineri. Contramundum, 24 iulie
Federația Filantropia a încheiat vineri a doua sesiune de formare de consilieri în domeniul adicțiilor, la care au participat 60 de specialiști ai organizațiilor membre. Basilica, 25 iulie