Revista presei interne și internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 27 iunie 2020
Rectorul Universității din Columbia Britanică demisionează după ce a dat „like” unor tweet-uri împotriva protestele anti-rasism din ultima vreme, se arată într-un material publicat de Times Colonist. Marginalia, 27 iunie
Toți cei care am trăit în regimul comunist ne amintim de cumplitele cursuri de “socialism științific“, cursuri la care niște politruci obtuzi doreau să ne bage în cap că marxismul este bun, iar capitalismul este rău. Podul, 23 iunie
Așa cum au observat unii comentatori conservatori, există asemănări izbitoare între militanții woke și bolșevicii care au preluat puterea în 1917. Marginalia, 22 iunie
În general, societățile care au dărâmat statui, au ars cărți ori au creat indexuri ale operelor interzise au avut în frunte regimuri totalitare sau au cunoscut crize cronicizate. Facebook, 23 iunie
Five months pregnant with her first baby, Desiree Rossette was heading out the door to a wedding when she happened to notice she had a message on the answering machine. LiveAction, 26 iunie
At 99 years old, Christian Chenay is France’s oldest practicing physician, and he’s even been called an “inspiration” by French president Emmanuel Macron. LiveAction, 26 iunie
Tatiana and Krista Hogan are extraordinary little girls. Conjoined twins are a rarity, but those joined at the head, craniopagus twins, are the rarest of all – one in 2.5 million. CBC, 27 iunie
Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson interviewed former Annette Lancaster, another former Planned Parenthood worker, for her PureFlix series, “Beautiful Lives.” LiveAction, 26 iunie
In the early 1960s, when America was on the cusp of social upheaval that would challenge authority at all levels, a University of California, Berkeley psychologist named Diana Baumrind began a longitudinal study aimed at answering a still timely question. MercatorNet, 25 iunie
Everyone talks about a second wave. But us moms know there is another, equally worrisome second wave that is already threatening our families – the second wave of intense childcare that will hit once school ends. Corona summer. Not the beer, sadly. MercatorNet, 24 iunie
In Pornland: How Pornography is Hijacking Sexuality, feminist and porn expert Dr. Gail Dines spends an entire chapter detailing one of the open secrets of the porn industry: the sexual fetishization of racial stereotypes for monetary gain. LifeSiteNews, 25 iunie
Orderly protest is part of our American tradition. It is an exercise of our constitutional rights of free speech and peaceable assembly. It is one way we the people can make our voices heard, our views known to those in power. The Heritage Foundation, 22 iunie
I am amazed at the efforts around the country to remove and destroy painful mementos of our history. FoxNews, 25 iunie