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Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 5 februarie

Have sex with a 21-year-old intern in the Oval Office just a few feet away from his wife and daughter? Nope. Breibart, 5 februarie

Last week, Vice President Mike Pence joined in the conversation over extreme pro-abortion bills recently enacted in New York and considered in Virginia, writing an op-ed decrying the culmination of the Democrat Party’s wholesale rejection of abortion limits over the past several years. LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA, blocked the unanimous passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act today, a bill which would have required doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive during failed abortions. LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro reacted with disgust when one of the creators of thehugely successful movie Gosnell told her during an interview how lucrative it is to sell body parts from aborted babies.
LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

Însărcinată? Suntem alături de tine. Sună acum la 0800.070.013

On Friday’s Erin Burnett Outfront on CNN, during a discussion of revelations that Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam included a racist photograph in his portion of his medical school’s yearbook, frequent Republican guest Stephen Moore was lambasted and cut off by other panel members when he brought up the other controversy involving Northam from this week (…).  LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

Many Americans heard the cheers of pro-abortion New York Democrats after they passed the extreme abortion bill, the Reproductive Health Act. LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

“Being pro-life isn’t a party issue, it’s based on a value system. Caring about every stage of life is pro-life.” These are words from Democrat Katrina Jackson, an African-American state legislator from Louisiana who shared her personal story of becoming an advocate for both life and women’s health in an interview with The Daily Signal. LiveAction, 4 februarie

God is revealed in truth, goodness, and beauty. Sacred art and music, and the natural beauty of God’s creation, are images of Him, His goodness, and His truth. LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

The National Right to Life Committee today commends Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) for her leadership in introducing the Save Our Children Act to ban dismemberment abortions. NationalRightToLife, 5 februarie

Attorneys for young Nick Sandmann have sent letters to more than 50 media outlets, pundits, journalists, and celebrities as well as Catholic dioceses who publicly slandered the pro-life high school student from Covington, Kentucky based on a misleading video clip that went viral. LifeSiteNews, 4 februarie

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