Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 4 octombrie

Earlier this year, parents in North Carolina faced heartbreaking news in the second trimester of pregnancy—their twin girls had developed a disease called twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a life-threatening condition for both babies, caused by connections in the blood flow between identical twins who share one placenta. LiveAction, 4 octombrie
Last week, Italy’s constitutional court ruled that euthanasia is not a crime if it is done for a chronic, non life-threatening condition or for “intolerable” pain, and that anyone who “facilitates the suicidal intention… LiveAction, 3 octombrie
Live Action has been on the front lines of the battle to end abortion for years, with full knowledge that stopping abortion is about changing hearts and minds. LiveAction, 4 octombrie
The mom of a 16-year-old girl couldn’t understand why her daughter was sick – complaining of headaches and pain in her arm. LifeNews, 4 octombrie
A woman who was thought to be a supporter of left-wing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez an urged people to “eat babies” to save the planet from a supposed environmental meltdown now appears to be someone trolling AOC. LifeNews, 4 octombrie
Chanelle Williams lost five unborn babies to miscarriage. So, when her water broke at 21 weeks of pregnancy, she feared that her unborn daughter’s life would end soon, too. LifeNews, 3 octombrie
Each time I write about the extent to which pornography is poisoning our society, there are always people who respond by telling me that I must be exaggerating. LifeNews, 4 octombrie
Preparing for a fundraising dinner a few years back, I was told an A-List celebrity was willing to match every dollar given and pledged the night of the event. But there was a small challenge, because the celebrity didn’t want to be recognized. Instead, he just wanted to do what God asked, without the fanfare. PregnancyHelpNews, 4 octombrie