revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 18 ianuarie

In a surprise appearance, President Donald Trump addressed pro-life advocates at the 2019 March for Life, telling them that „every life is worth protecting” and that he will veto any legislation that crosses his desk that „weakens the protection of human life.” LifeSiteNews, 18 ianuarie

When Brittany, Faith, Brittany, and Elisa walked through the doors of their local pregnancy help centers, they couldn’t have known they’d be meeting the Vice President of the United States just a couple of short years later. PregnancyHelpNews, 18 ianuarie

This week, Washington will be the site of two opposing marches, one day apart. Both will feature hundreds of thousands of marching women. Both will say they are standing up for women’s rights. But only one truly values the entire being of a woman, while the other asks her to reject a significant part of herself to ultimately become “empowered.” FoxNews, 18 ianuarie

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Hundreds of thousands peacefully march for those who have no voice, for the women who have been harmed by abortion, for families missing children. I’m one of those women who fall into all those categories. FoxNews, 18 ianuarie

January 18 marks the 46th annual March for Life held in Washington, D.C. The rally champions life, especially of the unborn, by challenging Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion. Townhall, 18 ianuarie

The abortion debate isn’t settled, but the underlying science certainly is. USA Today, 18 ianuarie

Hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers will march on Friday from the National Mall to the steps of the Supreme Court for the 46th annual March for Life. Washington Examiner, 18 ianuarie

Yes, we’re winning, slowly but surely, and we should stay the course. National Review, 18 ianuarie

Protecting human life is a value that transcends the political divide, and people of all political affiliations have come since the March began decades ago. Washington Post, 18 ianuarie

The author, a leading conservative voice, shares his own pro-life story as the March for Life kicks off in Washington, D.C. Lizette, 18 ianuarie

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