revista presei

Revista presei internaționale pro-viață și pro-familie din 1 ianuarie

Christmas has come and gone, but its message of peace and goodwill toward all human beings continues to resonate. Our hearts yearn for peace, but turmoil and conflict continue. America is more divided now than ever. LifeNews, 31 decembrie

The annual total of abortions in Pennsylvania have reached a record low, according to figures released by the PA Department of Health. LifeNews, 31 decembrie

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, hailed as a “champion” by the abortion industry, now is considering running for president. LifeNews, 31 decembrie

Abortion activists with the “Shout Your Abortion” campaign are going after children now with their radical, pro-abortion propaganda. LifeNews, 31 decembrie 2018

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Abortionist Leah Torres seems to get a kick out of making outrageous statements about the killing of unborn babies online. LifeNews, 31 decembrie

Amelia Bonow, best known as the founder of the “Shout Your Abortion” movement, which has spawned magazine interviewsand even a book devoted to erasing the supposed stigma surrounding abortion, is now promoting abortion in a Facebook video — to children. LiveAction, 31 decembrie

Senator Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, lost in the midterm elections — and she’s not happy about it. She’s being replaced by Republican Josh Hawley, who is pro-life, while McCaskill supports abortion. Yet McCaskill had some strong words for abortion activists who attacked her for not being pro-abortion enough in her exit interview with the New York Times. The interview reveals a huge problem that pro-abortion politicians, especially those in the Democratic Party, are having to now contend with. LiveAction, 31 decembrie

A woman whose baby belly post went viral this year has shared a new post Thursday on her YouTube channel, Triplets of Copenhagen. Maria Nordø Jørstad, originally from Norway, who married a Danish man and now lives in Denmark, shared last year that they were pregnant with triplets and gained international accolades for sharing honest and unfiltered pictures and videos of her pregnancy on her Instagram account. Maria’s real-life posts caused her “follower count [to shoot] up from 4,000 to more than 200,000 in just a week after sharing a video of her bump at 34 weeks,” and she “has been widely praised by mothers for her pictures,” according to an article from the Daily Mail. Behind the scenes, however, Maria and her husband Anders revealed the darker side of the situation that was taking place between them and their doctor who was pressuring them to have a selective reduction abortion. LiveAction, 31 decembrie

In an effort to sell abortion as simple and easy, Early Options abortion facility in New York City is describing abortion — the killing of a preborn human being in its early stages of life — as “bringing down your missed period.” The facility pitches two methods of early abortion to their clients: the abortion pill and the “soft-touch” abortion method, also known as Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA). The facility’s video (seen below) begins by asking, “So what’s involved in ending an early pregnancy?” It continues, saying “The simplest time to end an early pregnancy is between five and ten weeks,” which is really “more like bringing down a missed period.” LiveAction, 31 decembrie

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