avortclip muzical

Can I Live? (Melodie pro-viață – Nick Cannon)

Sincer și convingător, acest videoclip prezintă povestea adevărată a lui Nick Cannon și a mamei acestuia care a decis să nu îl avorteze.

I’m talking, mom, I know the situation is personal
But it’s something that has to be told
As I was making this beat
You was all I could think about
You heard my voice

Just think, just think…
What if you could just, just blink yourself away?
Just, just wait, just pause for a second
Let me plead my case

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It’s the late seventies, you seventeen
And having me, that will ruin everything
It’s a lot of angels waiting on their wings
You see me in your sleep, so you can’t kill your dreams

Three hundred dollars, that’s the price of living?
Mommy, I don’t like this clinic
Hopefully you’ll make the right decision
And don’t go though with the knife decision

But it’s hard to make the right move when you in high school
Now you gotta work all day and take night school
Hopping on the bus and the rain is pouring
What you want, morning sickness or the sickness of mourning?
Can I live?

I’ll always be a part of you
Trust your soul, know it’s always true
If I could talk I’d say to you
Can I live?
Can I live?

I’ll always be a part of you
Trust your soul, know it’s always true
If I could talk I’d say to you
Can I live?
Can I live?

I’m a child of the King, ain’t no need to go fear me
And I see the flowing tears, so I know that you hear me
When I move in your womb that’s me being scary
‘Cuz who knows what my future holds?

The truth be told you ain’t told a soul
You ain’t even showing, I’m just two months old
Through your clothes try to hide me, deny me
Went up three sizes

Your pride got you lying, saying ain’t nothing but a migraine
It ain’t surprising you not trying to be in WIC food lines
Your friends look at you funny, but look at you mommy
That’s a life inside, take a look at your tummy

What is becoming, Ma? I’m Oprah bound
You can tell he’s a star from the ultrasound
Our spirits connected, doors open now,
Nothing but love and respect, thanks for holding it down
She let me live

I’ll always be a part of you
Trust your soul, know it’s always true
If I could talk I’d say to you
Can I live?
Can I live?

I’ll always be a part of you
Trust your soul, know it’s always true
If I could talk I’d say to you
Can I live?
Can I live?

It’s uplifing for real, y’all
I ain’t passing no judgement
Ain’t making no decisions
I’m just telling y’all my story

I love life, I love my mother for giving me life
We all need to appreciate life
And a strong woman who had to make a sacrifice

Thanks for listening…
Thanks for listening…
Momma, thanks for listening

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DISCLAIMER: Stiripentruviata.ro condamnă instigarea la ură şi violenţă. Dar, după cum confirmă şi CEDO în cazul Handyside vs. UK (para 49), Stiripentruviata.ro consideră că dezbaterea onestă şi libertatea de exprimare pe subiecte de interes public – printre care se numără şi avortul sau atracţia pentru persoane de acelaşi sex – trebuie să aibă loc în mod democratic, fără a fi cenzurate de ameninţarea că vor fi interpretate ca „discurs al urii”.

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